Listen to an excerpt from My Baby’s Goin’ Drivin’ – A Bebop!
In the spring of 2003, Mady Kaye was hired by WarrenDirect to create a song for a national 30 minute infomercial of a product called a Bebop.
The Bebop is a three-wheel scooter designed for mobility challenged individuals, or anyone seeking an alternative means of conveyance. The Bebop infomercial aired on cable channels all across the U.S.
Mady wrote the lyrics and music, arranged it for The Beat Divas and rhythm section, and produced the song in the studio for the infomercial.
Mady’s voice has graced a variety of radio and TV commercials over many years. The Bebop infomercial is the first that Ms. Kaye has overseen from writing to final production.

The Beat Divas singing My Baby's Goin' Drivin' – A Bebop